
Beaver Control Program Funding

Res #: 3-11M
Number: 3
Year: 2011
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

WHEREAS beavers are a major problem, causing flooding and road damages; and

WHEREAS provincial funding for the Beaver Control Program is appreciated;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be requested to increase funding for this year’s Beaver Control Program and that the program be extended for at least another year in order to effectively control the problem beaver population.

Response from Honourable Bob Bjornerud, Minister of Agriculture:

In response to extraordinary circumstances in 2011-12, I was pleased to announce $500,000 in funding for beaver and dam removal at the March 2011 SARM Convention. However, the beaver control program was developed as a one year pilot and continued funding is dependent upon budget considerations.