Depredation Tags
Res #: 18-11A
Number: 18
Year: 2011
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
WHEREAS the Ministry of Environment has issued depredation tags as a wildlife management control measure in the past; and
WHEREAS Saskatchewan landowners are experiencing damage, financial and otherwise by elk and deer; and
WHEREAS all damage caused by elk and deer does not qualify for compensation under existing compensation programs;
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM support and lobby for the availability of depredation tags for Saskatchewan landowners who experience uncompensated damage caused by elk and deer.
Response from Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister of Environment:
Big game densities are not uniform across the province and therefore, different approaches are required to manage herds effectively. The ministry uses a combination of either sex and antlerless seasons as well as specific management hunts to control populations. Antlerless only hunts for mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk moose and pronghorn are the most effective means to reduce and limit population growth.
Furthermore, the ministry is expecting a general drop in wildlife populations across the province due to winter mortality as the 2010-11 winter was severe with above average snowfall, cold temperatures and a delayed spring. This winter mortality is expected to severely impact white-tailed deer and pronghorn antelope.
If populations in specific areas of the province continue to cause concerns, Big Game Management Licences are available. These licences are issued for individual or multiple RMs and are meant to address specific problem species. RMs can make application for these hunts through the ministry field offices.