Compensation for Beaver Damage
Res #: 12-10M
Number: 12
Year: 2010
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
WHEREAS beaver have caused problems in all areas of Saskatchewan through their damming of waterways, which has created flooding of arable farmland, pastures and woodlots;
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment for compensation for the loss of these flooded areas.
Response from Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister of Environment:
On November 9, 2010, Honourable Bob Bjornerud, Minister of Agriculture, announced Saskatchewan producers will now be eligible for compensation for crop and forage damage caused by any wild animal, including beavers and blackbirds. This compensation will be provided under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, starting in the 2011 crop year. This change provides compensation for producers when a beaver dam floods a crop or other wildlife cause damage to crops or forages. Producers will receive 100 per cent compensation for all claims $150 and over.
The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) administers the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. There are no premiums and producers are not required to be Crop Insurance customers to be eligible for benefits. The Wildlife Damage Compensation Program is cost-shared by the federal and provincial governments.