Emergency Services Signage
Res #: 7-08A
Number: 7
Year: 2008
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Resolution No. 7 – 08A
Emergency Services Signage
BE IT RESOLVED that Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure erect appropriate signs on its highway system to identify major rural routes to provide a means of quickly locating rural locations for emergency services.
Response from D. Wayne Elhard Minister, Highways and Infrastructure
The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure recognizes that road name signs provide an "address" for rural residents of the province. The Ministry has a policy in place for rural municipalities to have Road Name signs installed along a provincial highway. The policy allows the RM to name the road or include a township/range road description on the sign.
Rural municipalities can install Road Name signs at the edge of the highway right-of-way or have the Ministry install official signs within the right-of-way at the rural municipalities cost.
In 2004, Sask911 contacted the Ministry in regards to installing 911 information signs at provincial border crossings and kilometre markers along Highways 1, 11 and 16. The Ministry provided cost estimates and sign designs for the proposed signing opportunities. In the summer of 2006, the Ministry was informed that Sask911 wa not interested in pursuing this opportunity at that time.
Signing is one method of providing information and direction to emergency vehicles. There are other methods such as Global Positioning Systems that could be reviewed by the rural municipaliities, health regions and Sask911.