Mill Rate Factors
Res #: 7-06M
Number: 7
Year: 2006
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Government Relations
Resolution No. 7-06M
WHEREAS, special interest groups are lobbying to have a municipality’s ability to have Mill Rate Factors applied to a school district’s mill rate removed from legislation;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM oppose any change to legislation that would restrict a municipality’s ability to use Mill Rate Factors and demand the Province keep this ‘Tax Tool’ for municipalities.
Response from the Honourable Harry Van Mulligen, Minister of Government Relations:
- Section 287 of The Municipalities Act establishes that a municipality may only apply its mill rate factors to the rates of other taxing authorities by agreement with the other taxing authority on whose behalf it collects the taxes for which the rate is set.
- It is up to school divisions to decide whether mill rate factors will be applicable to their uniform mill rate. The resolution suggests municipalities have this authority when that is not the case.
- Government appreciates receiving direct input from SARM’s membership on the question of whether to retain this provision.