
CSIP Tendering

Res #: 35-02M
Number: 35
Year: 2002
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Western Economic Diversification Canada

Resolution No. 35-02M

WHEREAS, the Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program (CSIP) is a valuable funding source for municipal road improvement; and

WHEREAS, the Municipal Road Program Manual has provisions for municipalities tendering on projects with their own equipment; and  

WHEREAS, the Prairie Grain Roads Program is a Federal-Provincial-Municipal program which has a provision for municipalities tendering on their own road projects with their own equipment;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CSIP regulations be modified to allow municipalities to tender on their own projects with their own equipment which would be consistent with the aforementioned assistance programs.

Response from Honourable Allan Rock:

Thank you for your letter of November 19, 2002, bringing to my attention Resolution No. 35-02M, presented by the Regional Municipality of Redberry, and adopted at the Midterm Convention of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, asking that the Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program (CSIP) Agreement be amended to allow municipalities to tender on their own projects with their own equipments. First of all, please allow me to commend your ongoing efforts and those of your Association for the good of member municipalities.

As you may be aware, section 12.1 of the Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Agreement states that the Agreement can be amended on written accord of the federal and provincial ministers. As such, the Government of Canada must receive a written request from the Government of Saskatchewan, asking for an amendment to the Agreement before any such modification can be included.

I would therefore invite you to seek support from the Government of Saskatchewan and my colleague, the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, and Minister responsible for Saskatchewan. If both agree to reopen the Agreement, Infrastructure Canada officials and I would be prepared to take such an amendment into consideration.