
Sale of Rats

Res #: 27-02A
Number: 27
Year: 2002
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No

Resolution 27-02A

WHEREAS, the Norway rat and descendants thereof are being sold in Saskatchewan pet stores; and 

WHEREAS, rural municipalities and/or ADD Boards spend thousands of dollars annually to eradicate these rats;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we request SARM lobby the Provincial Government to pass legislation to prohibit the sale of any animals listed as a pest under The Pest Control Act.

Response From the Hon. Clay Serby:

The Pest Control Act, as currently drafted, does not have the authority to control the sale and possession of rats as pets. However, if the sale of rats is considered to be a problem within a particular jurisdiction, I would encourage the urban or rural municipality to consider drafting a bylaw prohibiting or controlling the sale and/or keeping of rats under the authority of either The Urban Municipality Act or The Rural Municipality Act.

This alternative allows urban and rural municipalities to control problem situations while still allowing legitimate, responsible rat breeders, pet stores, and research facilities to lawfully possess, breed, and/or make use of rats for educational and research purposes.