SARM Supports the Energy East Pipeline Project

For Immediate Release

SARM Supports the Energy East Pipeline Project

Regina, Saskatchewan – The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is an independent association that represents all 296 rural municipal governments in Saskatchewan. The Association takes direction from its members and forms its policy accordingly.  At its April 2015 Board of Directors meeting, the SARM Board voted to voice its support of TransCanada’s proposed Energy East Pipeline Project. 

 “We believe the rewards that would flow from the Energy East Pipeline far outweigh the risks,” said SARM President Ray Orb. “More than that, we believe the greatest risk we face comes from the prospect of not building the pipeline.” SARM supports the Project for some very important reasons:

  • As the representative of all 296 rural municipalities (RMs) in Saskatchewan, SARM recognizes the positive economic impact the Energy East Pipeline can create in rural Saskatchewan. According to a recent independent, third-party study from the Conference Board of Canada, Energy East will support more than 750 full-time direct and spin-off jobs in the province in the first few years alone. Additionally, municipalities and the provincial government will see a $350-million boost in tax revenues during construction and the first 20 years of operation, with Saskatchewan’s GDP growing by $2.7 billion over that same period.
  • On a national scale, the Energy East Pipeline will provide a secure long-term supply of oil to Eastern Canada. This would reduce Canada’s reliance on imported oil – which moves not by pipeline but by marine vessels, trucks and rail – and provide significant economic benefits to Eastern Canada.
  • The Energy East Pipeline would reduce the use of ground transportation of crude oil on our highways. This is important, as infrastructure costs are on the rise, not to mention the safety risks associated with ground transport.
  • Moving crude oil by pipeline is also a safer alternative to transport by rail.   
  • Oil pipelines help free-up rail capacity to move grain and other agricultural products         
  • Finally, the pipeline would also be a more environmentally favorable alternative to road and rail transportation, with substantially fewer emissions during transport.

SARM agrees that a project like the Energy East Pipeline warrants comprehensive public dialogue and a decision about its future should be based on fact. “SARM’s assessment of the risks and rewards, and our long-standing positive relationship and experience with TransCanada, has convinced us we should support Energy East. And we believe all Canadians should do the same,” said Mr. Orb.

For more information contact:  Jay MeyerExecutive Director(306) 761-3721