Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) Addresses Drought Crisis

SARM is concerned over the severe drought conditions plaguing agricultural regions of the province. As an organization representing the interests of rural communities across Saskatchewan, SARM recognizes the urgent need for immediate action to mitigate the devastating effects of this prolonged dry spell.

The affected region, encompassing several municipalities and agricultural communities, has been experiencing below-average precipitation levels for an extended period. This has resulted in depleted water supplies, parched soil, and substantial hardships for the farmers and ranchers who rely on adequate moisture for both crop production and livestock grazing. “At this crucial point, SARM encourages cooperation between the crop and livestock sectors wherever possible to ensure livestock have the feed they need to thrive,” says Ray Orb, President of SARM.

Agriculture plays a critical role in Saskatchewan’s economy, and SARM stands in solidarity with the hardworking farmers and ranchers who face immense challenges during these trying times. “We urge all levels of government, industry stakeholders, and the public to unite in support of the affected communities, and to extend a helping hand to ensure their resilience and recovery,” continued Orb.

SARM continues to work collaboratively with both levels of government agencies, agricultural organizations, and local communities to develop strategies for drought management, including enhanced water conservation measures and improved infrastructure for water storage and delivery.

“As of now, approximately twenty rural municipalities have notified SARM about declaring states of emergency for drought. With the impending weather forecast, it’s anticipated this number will continue to rise,” states Orb.

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For interview requests, please contact:

Corette Mihalcea, Communications Specialist, SARM or 306.761.3931

Background: SARM is the independent association that represents its membership of rural municipal government in Saskatchewan and is the principal advocate in representing them before senior governments.