Producers in the 65 drought designated rural municipalities of Southwest Saskatchewan will benefit from enhancements announced today to the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP). The program is cost shared on a 60-40 basis between the federal and provincial governments. This assistance has been provided under the AgriRecovery program which enables governments to respond quickly when a natural disaster hits.
“We are committed to providing long-term solutions for our producers,” Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud said. “These program improvements will help both producers and RMs in Southwest Saskatchewan develop water supplies that are critical to the growth and security of our industry.”
Enhancements to the program include: an increase in funding for on-farm projects from 50 per cent up to 65 per cent of eligible costs; an increase in funding for community well projects from 66 per cent up to 85 per cent of eligible costs; the installation of power to a maximum payment of $30,000, and generators added as an eligible on-farm cost. All applications will be automatically eligible to be topped-up to these new compensation levels. The province will also provide additional support for dugouts.
“Given the ongoing dry conditions facing many Southwest Saskatchewan producers, enhancements to the program were needed,” Bjornerud said. “Some producers and rural municipalities have been unable to participate in the program up till now, due to the significant costs associated with many of these projects.”
FRWIP applications are available at RM offices, Ministry of Agriculture regional offices, the Ministry of Agriculture website, and by calling toll-free 1-877-874-5365. The application deadline is December 3, 2008. Projects must be completed by November 1, 2009.
Producers that have been approved for a project under the Canada – Saskatchewan Water Supply Expansion Program (CSWSEP) are reminded to complete and return their information authorization form to the CSWSEP office as soon as they receive it to ensure their project is enrolled in the program. Information Authorization Forms are available from CSWSEP/PFRA offices or through their toll-free number at 1-800-667-8567.