SARM welcomes the Premier’s announcement of $52.8 million for education tax property relief for agricultural producers.
“Education tax relief, particularly on farmland, has been a high priority for SARM for a long time. The premier has now taken steps to correct the unfairness of the education tax on agricultural property that he recognized three years ago at a SARM convention,” says SARM President Neal Hardy. “This announcement is good news.”
Hardy says, “The provincial government has correctly identified that agricultural producers have the greatest need for immediate education property tax relief.”
Combined with the current 8 per cent, $55 million education property tax credit provided on all property, the new funding will bring the reduction in education property taxes on agricultural property to 38 per cent. The new funding is long term and sustainable.
“Now that this announcement has been made, our annual convention next week can spend more time on the other issues SARM is working on, such as economic development and the farm situation in rural Saskatchewan, ” Hardy says.
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For more information contact:
Neal Hardy Ken Engel
President Executive Director
(306) 865-6368 (306) 757-3578