SARM has partnered with CIBC Commercial Banking to bring our members a pooled High Interest Savings Account (HISA). HISA offers a competitive interest rate, secured principal, and the ability to move your money at any time without penalty, regardless of the amount invested. Your deposits are held in your own account.

HISA Enrollment Steps
- Complete the Application of Enrollment in SARM’s High Interest Savings Account. The application includes Schedules A – HISA Terms and Conditions, and B – HISA Declaration of Trust.
- The Application of Enrollment must be signed by the administrator and at least one other person authorized by the council for the purpose of opening or closing the accounts that hold the money of the municipality.
- Complete the Certificate of Authorization, which
- Provides contact details and signatures of the Authorized Individuals who are designated to give deposit, withdrawal and transfer instructions to SARM in connection with the CIBC account offered through the SARM High Interest Savings Account.
- Provides contact details of the participant’s “Communicators”, who will communicate via email instructions to SARM. The Communicators are not authorized to sign the transactional instructions but may send the instructions which have been signed by the Authorized Individuals. Account statements will be sent by SARM to the rural municipality’s designated Communicators.
- Complete the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement, authorizing SARM to pull money out of the rural municipality’s external account into the In-Trust account opened for them at CIBC.
- Start making deposits and withdrawals.
Breanna Janzen, Senior Accountant or 306.761.3739