Member Purchasing
Member Purchasing exists to serve SARM’s members and their communities by facilitating the efficient and economic acquisition of goods and services that they need to move forward in Saskatchewan.
Procurement Advising
SARM's Member Purchasing offers procurement advising services to member RMs who are seeking additional guidance with the process of procuring goods and services.
Group Purchasing Programs
The combined purchasing power, made possible through SARM's cooperative procurement programs partnership with the Canoe Procurement Group, and with Sourcewell, provides municipalities with access to a wide range of trade compliant, high quality, competitively priced goods and services.
Pest Control
Pest management is important to our ag industry. Pests can have a detrimental effect on operations so we've partnered to provide rodent control products.
Office & Election Supplies
As a one-stop solution for all office supplies and elections supplies, SARM's Office and Election Supplies program provides RMs with discounted prices and easy access to order.
High Interest Savings Account
Partnering with CIBC Commercial Banking, HISA offers a competitive interest rate, secured principal, and the ability to move your money at any time without penalty, regardless of the amount invested and your deposits are held in your own account.
Gravel Pit Measuring & Data Processing
Zach James Media has partnered with SARM to offer professional drone services specializing in gravel pit measuring and data processing.
Become a Supplier
Approved suppliers are recognized as SARM’s trustworthy partners which positions businesses to leverage the strong, longstanding relationship between SARM and the member rural municipalities.