About Rural MAIP
After consultations with the municipal sector, it was estimated that nearly half of municipal administrators anticipate retiring or leaving the profession in the next ten years. It was also determined that municipal administration, like most professions, is experiencing difficulty attracting and retaining qualified professionals.
The program will provide funding for rural municipalities to train and mentor selected interns in the field of Municipal Administration.
This program not only provides an opportunity for interns to experience working in a rural municipal office, but also meets the certification requirements of the Rural Board of Examiners, the body that certifies rural municipal administrators.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The Internship
The Intern
Rural MAIP is offering 52-week paid internship placements in rural municipalities across the province. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. These placements will offer an intern hands-on training in municipal administration, while meeting the requirements of the Rural Board of Examiners. At the end of the placement, it is possible the intern could be certified as a municipal administrator and begin working in the field.
Click here for a brochure that outlines the profession of municipal administration.
The Host Municipality
SARM will provide the selected host rural municipalities with a $17,000 grant intended to cost share the intern’s salary. The supervising administrator will also receive a $3,000 honorarium. Host municipalities will receive the benefit of promoting their municipality and community and an opportunity to train and secure a potential successor, the administrator to grow and become a trainer in their field, and to be proactive in promoting municipal administration.
The Timeline
Rural MAIP accepts applications on an ong-going basis. Applications may be e-mailed or mailed to:
Rural Municipal Administrator Internship Program
Dustin Resch, Manager of Programs
2301 Windsor Park Road, Regina, Saskatchewan S4V 3A4
Dustin Resch, Manager of Programs
dresch@sarm.ca or 306.761.3945