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About Midterm

The midterm convention is education focused. It provides a variety of workshops and educational plenaries. Midterm draws an average of 1,000 delegates and visitors from throughout the province. The midterm convention’s location also alternates between Regina and Saskatoon.


We were proud to partner with a host of companies for the 2023 midterm convention – check out the 2023 sponsors.

If you are interested in becoming a SARM Annual and/or Midterm Convention sponsor, please email convention@sarm.ca to receive a package. We are always looking for new and exciting partners.

Future Midterm Convention Dates

2024 November 20-21 Saskatoon TCU Place
2025 November 5-6 Regina REAL District

Convention Accommodations

Room blocks are arranged, a year in advance, in the host city for those attending. Please visit our Hotel Program Listing for participating hotels.

SARM Hotel Program


Amy Roettger, Convention & Events Coordinator
convention@sarm.ca or 306.761.3730