SARM’s first annual convention was held in the Town of Grenfell on November 16, 1906 with 24 municipal officials in attendance. June Division Meetings were initiated in 1935 and both the first tradeshow and first midterm convention occurred 1985.
Annual Convention and Trade Show
The annual convention provides SARM members the opportunity to gather as a whole to vote on and debate resolutions, discuss current issues, participate in dialogue sessions with Ministers and the Provincial Cabinet.
Midterm Convention
This is a two day, no-frills working convention hosted by SARM each year during the second week in November. Resolutions are debated and delegates hear from a variety of presenters as well as have an opportunity to attend educational workshops.
Division Meetings
SARM has been hosting June Division Meetings since 1935 as an opportunity to further engage with the members, and to discuss relevant and targeted topics within each division.
SARM has several partnerships with organizations who sponsor our member events. We appreciate our generous sponsors and welcome you and your business to join this great group. This will provide you with the opportunity to profile your business to our members, all rural municipalities in Saskatchewan.
Awards and Recognition
SARM believes in celebrating success by acknowledging contributions that individuals and RMs make that benefit rural Saskatchewan. The Lieutenant Governor Award, the Municipal Awards, and the Agricultural Health Safety Student Scholarship in Agricultural Safety and Rural Health are all awards we are proud to be part of.
Local Government Week
The call to recognize Local Government Week with an official proclamation from the province emerged through discussions between SARM’s partner organizations as an excellent opportunity to create awareness and highlight the importance of local government to our communities and our province.
SARM hosts virtual information sessions on many topics relevant to rural municipalities that support ongoing training of our members.