
POP: Saskatchewan Water Management Strategy

POP: Yes
Res #: POP 5-14M
Number: 5
Year: 2014
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

WHEREAS the SARM delegates had a presentation on a Water Management Strategy; and

WHEREAS this presentation has asked SARM to take a leadership role as it has a major impact on our rural infrastructure;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Province contract a third party to develop a comprehensive Water Management Strategy for Saskatchewan.

Response from the Honorable Scott Moe, Minister of Environment

The 25 Year Saskatchewan Water Security Plan was developed  in 2012 following extensive consultation which included consultations with SARM. The Plan was approved by Cabinet and sets out Government's direction on water management and is the province's comprehensive water management strategy.  The Water Security Agency was created to lead implementation of the 25 Year Plan and to bring major aspects of water management together in one integrated agency.

Our emphasis is currently on implementing the 25 Year Plan and working with partners, such as SARM,to implement the plan.  Work is currently progressing on many aspects of the plan with a very high priority being given to development of new regulations  around agricultural drainage. We report  on progress in implementation of each of the 89 actions annually in the Water Security Agency Annual Report.