
POP: Regional Parks

POP: Yes
Res #: POP 2-09M
Number: 2
Year: 2009
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Tourism

Whereas Regional Parks are a vital part of tourism in Saskatchewan;


Whereas Saskatchewan is experiencing an increase in tourism;


Whereas many of the parks are trying to expand to accommodate this growth; and


Whereas much of the costs are related to power expansion;


Be It Resolved that SARM lobby the Provincial Government to cost share all upgrades for power expansion in regional parks.

Response from Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister of Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport:


I agree that that the regional parks play a vital role in tourism.  I also want to acknowledge the important work that many volunteers play in providing outdoor recreation opportunities to the rural areas you represent.  The Saskatchewan Regional Parks Association has been a strong advocate for these regional parks and their need for financial support.  That is why this government has made a commitment to provide a total of $2.4 million over four years, on a cost shared basis, for capital projects such as this.


Funds are provided through the Saskatchewan Regional Parks Association who disperses them to qualifying regional parks. Qualification is determined by applying criteria developed by a committee of peers.  Regional parks wishing to apply for some of this capital funding should inquire with the Saskatchewan Regional Parks Association office in Saskatoon at (306) 975-0857.


Many of your members are likely within the group of municipal bodies who originally formed Regional Park Authorities in their area. They may have assisted their regional park by contributing part of a regional park's matching contributions for projects and I want to commend them for that and encourage them to continue this municipal support for Saskatchewan's regional parks.