POP: Financial Assistance for Liquid Waste Disposal Facilities
POP: Yes
Res #: POP 8-13A
Number: 8
Year: 2013
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
WHEREAS according to the Saskatchewan Environmental Code, all land spreading is to cease without special permit by 2015; and
WHEREAS At that time all RMs, villages and hamlets will be required to have a place to haul disposal i.e. a lagoon; and
WHEREAS many municipalities are in a position because of the new code, where they will have to upgrade or build new disposal facilities which are of great cost; and
WHEREAS at present there is no provincial or federal funding available to assist municipalities to develop such disposal sites;
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM urge the Provincial Government to make financial assistance available to RMs in addressing the new infrastructure requirements to construct new or modify existing liquid waste disposal facilities.
Response from Honourable Ken Cheveldayoff, Minister of Environment:
The proposed code chapter for the Liquid Domestic Waste Disposal will not prohibit land spreading of septic tank waste. By December 31, 2017 after the passage of the "phase-in" period found within the Acceptable Solution part of the code, land spreading may continue as an on-going disposal option provided the sewage hauler submits an Environmental Protection Plan endorsed by a Qualified Person and the plan is approved by the Water Security Agency. The Environmental Protection Plan should include measures to ensure effective treatment ofliquid domestic waste; limit the impact of pathogens on the environment and human health; minimize human contact with the liquid domestic waste; and measures to monitor, report and keep records. Improving sewage treatment and disposal will support sustainable and stable growth while avoiding compromises that adversely and sometimes irreversibly impactthe environment and water resources on which we all rely.
The Water Security Agency believes that regional sewage treatment systems will provide the most effective and efficient means to treat sewage while eliminating or minimizing environmental effects. In the past, local governments have been provided with funding from the province to address their specific priorities, such as wastewater treatment and disposal needs. Septic hauling or other commercial private operations also have the opportunity to construct sewage treatment systems and in fact this has already occurred in Saskatchewan. Further, infrastructure funding may be available through the federal-provincial funding initiatives starting in 2014. The Government of Canada announced in the 2012 budget that $150 million will be available over two years for a new Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund to support repairs and improvements to existing community facilities. The Water Security Agency will continue to work closely with septic haulers and municipalities to assist wherever possible in improving septic waste management practices.