SARM Encouraged by Federal AgriStability Announcement, But More Needed

SARM Encouraged by Federal AgriStability Announcement, But More Needed

SARM is pleased that the Saskatchewan government has requested the federal government enact the AgriRecovery program to provide assistance to Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers affected by the ongoing drought.

SARM noted Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau’s recent announcement of $100million in financial assistance and believes it is the starting point. As further effects of the drought are evaluated more assistance may be needed, possibly in the billions of dollars.

“Producers of agriculture commodities need further commitment from the federal and provincial governments,” said SARM President Ray Orb.  “SARM has pledged to work with senior levels of government and we have requested to be included on the National Safety Net Advisory committee.”

SARM also noted that the Province of Manitoba has requested the federal government enact the late enrollment clause of AgriStability and is hoping our province can do the same.

SARM is continuing to monitor the ongoing drought situation and awaits further information from the federal and provincial governments on the issue.

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For more information please contact:

Jay Meyer

Executive Director l 306.761.3761